Need for Youth in Finishing the Work

The Advent Ecosystem leadership must recognize the vital role of the youth in finishing the work. The Spirit of Prophecy makes it clear that the youth are to be God's helping hand, prepared and empowered to fulfill their unique role in these last days.

With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!

The Review and Herald, May 16, 1912, par. 22 these days, the young men and young women of the Advent movement have been given an important part to act in the closing drama of earth's history.

Messages to Young People (MYP 7.1)

The Lord has appointed the youth to be His helping hand.

Testimonies for the Church (7T 64.2)

...there is no other class that can do as much good as young men and young women who are consecrated to God. The youth, if right, could sway a mighty influence.

Testimonies for the Church (1T 511.1)

In order that the work may go forward in all its branches, God calls for youthful vigor, zeal, and courage. He has chosen the youth to aid in the advancement of His cause.

Gospel Workers (GW 67.2)

From what has been shown me, there are not more than half of the young who profess religion and the truth, who have been truly converted. If they had been converted, they would bear fruit to the glory of God.

Testimonies for the Church (1T 158.1)

Need for Structured Mentorship

Structured mentorship is vital in developing the youth into leaders who can carry the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior to the whole world. Through formal programs, we can ensure the youth are properly guided and nurtured.

Need for Generals

The analogy of the mentors would be that of military officers. Our mentors must have experience and be dedicated to prayer and great personal effort to encourage our youth to find perfection in Christ.

The inexperienced are in need of wise generals who by prayer and personal effort will encourage and help them to become perfect in Christ Jesus, wanting in nothing.

The Review and Herald, December 1, 1904

This is an opportunity for you to step into the role of a mentor, guiding the youth to become self-reliant and critical thinkers, able to discern the times and act according to God’s will.

I am sorry that, as a wise general, he has not trained them to be self-reliant, and has not refused to do their thinking and brain work, that they might have obtained an experience which today would be more valuable to them than gold.

PH167 21.1

Mentorship in the Advent Ecosystem means more than imparting knowledge; it means nurturing individuals to be wise, considerate, and spiritually strong.

O for generals, wise and considerate, well-balanced men, who will be safe advisers, who have some insight into human nature, who know how to direct and counsel in the fear of God.

Selected Messages (2SM 362.3)

Those who feel called to this mentorship role must execute it with humility and compassion, relying not on their own strength but on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide their actions and words.

It is of great importance that the one who is chosen to care for the spiritual interests of patients and helpers be a man of sound judgment and undeviating principle, a man who will have moral influence, who knows how to deal with minds. He should be a person of wisdom and culture, of affection as well as intelligence. He may not be thoroughly efficient in all respects at first; but he should, by earnest thought and the exercise of his abilities, qualify himself for this important work. The greatest wisdom and gentleness are needed to serve in this position acceptably yet with unbending integrity; for prejudice, bigotry, and error of every form and description must be met.

Testimonies for the Church 4:546, 547 (1880)

If you feel called to be a mentor, you must prepare for the challenges that will soon face us. This is a high calling that requires strategic foresight and a reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Though the Lord does not require that his ministers labor beyond their physical ability, still, if they had, like wise generals planned to make every stroke tell for the future as well as for the present influence of the work, there might have been many more believers than there are today.

PH118 9.1

Mentors are called to recognize and cultivate the God-given talents in each individual, aligning them to the areas where they can be most effective.

God would have us bring far more thoughtful intelligence into our labors. We should appoint certain ones to do a certain work, and not lay upon one man several kinds of work, so that he will not have a chance to do any of it with efficiency. Men should be trained up so that they will be prepared to fill different positions of trust. There are many who do not offer themselves to the work, but wise generals will see to it that those who are qualified for the work, shall have a place in it. They will counsel, encourage, and give them assurances of sympathy and confidence.

The Home Missionary (HM February 1, 1890, par. 9)

Mentorship requires a deep commitment to prayer, study, and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Those in leadership must earnestly ask for wisdom to fulfill this sacred duty.

Those holding the positions of counselors should be unselfish men, men of faith, men of prayer, men that will not dare to rely upon their own human wisdom, but will seek earnestly for light and intelligence as to what is the best manner of conducting their business.

Testimonies for the Church 4:546, 547 (1880)

Join the Mentorship Program

Become a mentor or mentee in our structured program and help shape the Final Generation of leaders. Together, we can prepare a people to stand through the final events of earth’s history.