The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.

Education (ED 57.3)

Need for Order

Time is short, we must take action! But success only comes with ACTION and with order…

Success can only attend order and harmonious action.

Patriarchs and Prophets (PP 376)

We must always keep in mind that God is a God of order.

God is a God of order. Everything connected with heaven is in perfect order; subjection and thorough discipline mark the movements of the angelic host.

Patriarchs and Prophets (PP 376)

Everything that is connected with heavenly work must be in perfect order…

Everything must be done according to a well-matured plan, and with system. God has entrusted His sacred work to men, and He asks that they shall do it carefully.

Manuscript Releases (8MR 326.2)

We must model our council after the pattern of the heavenly army.

I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying with agony of spirit. The company of guardian angels around them had been doubled, and they were clothed with an armor from their head to their feet. They moved in exact order, firmly, like a company of soldiers. Their countenances expressed the severe conflict which they had endured, the agonizing struggle they had passed through. Yet their features, marked with severe internal anguish, now shone with the light and glory of heaven. They had obtained the victory, and it called forth from them the deepest gratitude, and holy, sacred joy.

Testimonies for the Church (1T 181.1)

When God worked with Moses to lead the people out of Egypt, it was through strict military order. May it be so as God prepares to lead us out of Babylon.

From the outset of the journey from Egypt, lessons had been given for their training and discipline. Even before they left Egypt a temporary organization had been effected, and the people were arranged in companies, under appointed leaders. At Sinai the arrangements for organization were completed. The order so strikingly displayed in all the works of God was manifest in the Hebrew economy...

Education (Ed 37.4)

Need for Character Maturity

O for generals, wise and considerate, well-balanced men, who will be safe advisers, who have some insight into human nature, who know how to direct and counsel in the fear of God.

Selected Messages (2SM 362.3)

We should appoint leaders for each functional area such as Education (Advent Leaders), Theology (Advent Truths), Health (Advent Life), Agriculture (Advent Homesteads), Construction (Advent Homesteads), Business (Advent Ventures), Evangelism (Advent Outreach) to spearhead each of the initiatives.

At the heads of each department, we need leaders who are calm, firm, and punctual and are able to bring order out of confusion.

We must have at the head of the departments, calm, firm, punctual business men, able to bring order out of confusion, but who will not throw everything in confusion and keep things eternally on the run in order that jobs left behind may be done on time. There must be men who will begin a work in the right way, and hold to it and push it forward firmly.

Manuscript Releases (8MR 326.2)

They must have faith and prayer, earnestly seeking truth and wisdom.

Those holding the positions of counselors should be unselfish men, men of faith, men of prayer, men that will not dare to rely upon their own human wisdom, but will seek earnestly for light and intelligence as to what is the best manner of conducting their business.

Patriarchs and Prophets, 247.4 (1890)

Need for Collaboration

The Council must understand the unique age we are living in and while they should not allow for compromise, should also not be isolated from the church but instead unite with ministers and key officers of the Seventh-Day Adventist church.

The leaders in God's cause, as wise generals, are to lay plans for advance moves all along the line. In their planning, they are to give special study to the work that can be done by the laity for their friends and neighbors. The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church-membership, rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers.

Young Men as Missionaries (PH010 6.3)

God was the center of authority and government. Moses, as His representative, was to administer the laws in His name. Then came the council of seventy, then the priests and the princes, under these “captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, and captains over fifties, and captains over tens…, and, lastly, officers appointed for special duties.

Education (Ed 37.4)

No less than seven men should be chosen to carry the large responsibilities of the work of God in the great cities. And these men should humble themselves daily and seek the Lord most earnestly for sanctified wisdom. They should relate themselves to God as men desirous to be taught. They must be men of prayer who realize the peril of their own souls. What should be the work of these seven men?—They should investigate the needs of the cities and put forth earnest, decided efforts to advance the work.

25LtMs, Lt 58, 1910, par. 12

Advent Leaders

Awaiting Leader

Advent Truth

Awaiting Leader

Advent Life

Awaiting Leader

Advent Homesteads

Awaiting Leader

Advent Ventures

Awaiting Leader

Advent Outreach

Awaiting Leader

Advent Outposts

Rob Bertholf